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【国旗下演讲】 拥抱春天,播种希望

阅读数:2882 更新时间:2018-04-02

2020届3班  班主任:冯景飞











Embrace the spring,sow our hopes

Dear teachers and classmates,good morning!Today our topic is embrace the spring,sow our hopes. When we are immersing in the passing winter and the fragrance of the winter sweet,the wild geese have returned to the north and the buds of willows have turned yellow in silence。It’s the spring again. Let’s go ahead to embrace the spring and sow our hopes, throwing away the desolate and cold winter.

If you want to embrace the spring, then take a walk on the beautiful weald. You can enjoy the wonderful music from the birds and watch the fish jumping in the river. You can also feel the bright sunshine under the shade of the trees as well as taste the sweet of the spring in the running river. The wind is full of warmth, softness and fragrance of begonias. The colorful kites are flying in the sky with the children’s laughter. The butterflies are flying among the flowers to show their beauty. What a vibrant picture!

If you want to embrace the spring, then take a walk in the sea of books. You can go on a tour in the long Chinese cultural history by holding a book in your hand. Wake up in the morning with your reading, paint the sunset with your poem on your way home. We can describe the beautiful season with your wonderful words to make your youth magical.

As the old saying goes, a year’s plan starts with spring. Indeed, spring is the season of sowing and hope. Let’s bury a seed of dream in this season, then we’ll enjoy the harvest after our hard work.

On the way of following a dream, although we have to experience the failures and difficulties, there is no need to complain and feel grieved. No pains, no gains. We will grow after we sow our hope and dream.

As the lyrics say,, life is more than struggle, as well as poetry and distant field. The flower of life is already blooming, and we are prepared to get it in spite of the long distance. Life is so wonderful at such a great age. What are you waiting for? Let’s embrace the spring to sow our hopes. We can fulfill our dreams without supervision.

That’s the end of our speech. Thank you!

