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【国旗下演讲】 缅怀先烈,让我们做中国的脊梁

阅读数:2862 更新时间:2018-04-10

2019届10班  班主任:许宁









Beloved teacher, dear students, good morning! The title of our speech today is "remembering the martyrs, let us be the backbone of China".

At the foot of mengshan, yinshui river, the martyr cemetery of pines and cypresses, an era of tens of thousands of martyrs, the bones and spirits of the rest. They sacrificed their blood on the battlefield for the benefit of their country and national liberation. They went to war bravely,and fought against the invaders. In exchange for our peaceful and happy life, the blood of blood on the road of national liberation, sacrifice in the dawn and the dark struggle between.

Sima qian once said, "people are born to die, or to be heavier than mount tai, or to be light." The sleep of countless unknown martyrs, the most appropriate interpretation of this sentence. This kind of sacrifice with the cost of life is more than mount taishan, this selfless, for the world's mind, wide in jianghai! These unsung heroes in the flower of life fade, tells us a truth, there is the meaning of life lies not in your in the society of the time, but your contribution to the collective, society and country.

As a member of the 21st century, we must use scientific and cultural knowledge to arm themselves, sets up the lofty ideal, always remember they are successors to the cause of revolution, a moment also can't forget the era have entrusted to our mission and responsibility. The dignity of the state, the honor of the country is to be maintained by ourselves. The spirit of the martyrs must be inherited and carried forward by us. The nation's tomorrow is in our hands. Because we are citizens of the republic, China's backbone!

Let us be the backbone of China, with "a long way to go, I will go up and down" spirit, take up the future, parents hope, the country needs! Thank you. Our speech is over.
