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【国旗下演讲】 让优秀成为一种习惯

阅读数:2753 更新时间:2018-09-18

2020届10班  班主任:林倩






要想养成好的习惯,作为学生,需要每日三思:"我来学校做什么?我要做一个什么样的人?我今天做的怎么样?" 养成好的习惯,比的是自律,比的是早起,比的是付出,比的更是坚持!



Make excellence a habit

The renowned British writer---Francis Bacon once said, “Habits can be powerful enough to control one’s life.”

   The famous Chinese writer Lu Xun was famous for his cherishing of time. He wrote and translated works of as much as 36.4 million words during his lifetime, that is,  20,000 words every day on average, leaving us tons of valuable literature treasures. How did he make it? Simply because he had good writing habits, habits that made him write with pleasure instead of tiredness.

   Zeng Guofan, the famed celebrity in Qing dynasty is said to be reading books on his last day. About reading books, he made rules for himself: read books regularly, persistently, widely and with an open mind. As time passed by, reading had become one of his good habits, making him benefit a lot from it, and making him the first man of letters honored as a lord of army.

   Taking a view of all the successful people throughout the history, we can see that people with great achievement have one thing in common, they keep good habits. However, good habits are not formed by nature but by ourselves. We should make efforts to develop good habits and we should be strict with ourselves, always and everywhere.

   In order to develop good habits, we students should ask ourselves three questions every day: What am I here for? What am I going to be? How am I doing today?

The development of good habits requires self-discipline, diligence, efforts and perseverance.



