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【国旗下演讲】 树立理想 追求卓越

阅读数:2940 更新时间:2018-10-24

2020届11班  班主任:侯慧丽


大家早上好!今天我们演讲的题目是《树立理想 追求卓越》。






Setting ideals and pursuing excellence

Dear teachers and schoolmates,good morning!

Today our topic is Setting ideals and pursuing excellence.

The famous thinker Aristotle['æristɔtl] once said The happiest thing in the world is to strive for the ideal. So if a person wants to be excellent, he should set himself a goal. Mr. Xu Teli also said that a person with a high objective will feel happy even if he meets with lots of difficulties. Premier Zhou was determined to study for the rise of China when he was young. As a result, he became the first premier of New China , an excellent premier who was always thinking about his country and his people !

  An ideal is a lamp, light it ,and you will know the direction ; An ideal is a door, open it ,and hope is around the corner;An ideal is a road,keep going and you will reach the destination.But it isn’t enough only to set goals. To achieve your dream and pursue excellence, you need to have quick action , persistent determination and strong will.

 Si Maqian decided to write an influential book on history at a very young age. However,in the seventh year of his writing, he was put in prison just because the emperor got annoyed with him about his defending for his good friend Li Ling. In the prison, he suffered lots of cruel punishment and was going to kill himself. On thinking about his unfinished books, he cheered up again and spent 18 years completing his great works Historical Records, which is highly thought of by many people. The great writer Lu Xun once praised it as “the singing of the historian, the singing of no rhyme”.

Dear schoolmates, it’s more than a week since last monthly exam ended and I am sure that some of us got satisfactory results while others didn’t, mainly because some students didn’t set goals and ideals,only thinking that the purpose of study is to get high marks.Dear schoolmates, let’s become a person with great ideals , a person always pursuing excellence on the way to success! At last wish you everything goes well on the journey of study and good luck in the coming Mid-term Examination!

That’s all,thank you!

