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【国旗下演讲】 惜时如金(2019届4班)

阅读数:3103 更新时间:2018-11-12

2019届4班  班主任:齐颖颖










盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉力,岁月不待人。作为青少年,我们应惜时如金,实现理想,体现价值,接过时代的接力棒,做新一代的弄潮儿。 我们的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!                                       


Dear teachers and students:

Good morning, today our topic is cherish time.

A philosopher in ancient Greek once said, Time is the most precious wealth in the world. Because of time, we have so much emotions and growth. However, time passes by and never comes back. Youth comes only once in our lifetime. Only if we cherish our time can we achieve our dreams and discover the value of life.

People always say, the fairest thing in the world is time. Time is fair to everyone, it neither gives anybody one more second, nor takes a second away from his. One day is the same to everyone. However, some classmates learn lots of knowledge while others learn little in the same amount of time. It’s all because of their attitude to time.

Both in the past and now, people who made great achievements all cherished their time. Lu You, a poet in the Song Dynasty, spent every minute reading, even the time before the meal, though the time saved was very little. But if you do this day by day, you will read many books, Lu You has read so many books and has written down so many poems, just because of this sprit. Lu Xun spent the time on working and learning while others are drinking coffee. The leaders of revolutions, Lie Ning, Mao Zedong , Zhou Enlai ,are all models for cherishing time.

However ,some students seem to be hard-working ,but get little progress. it’s because they don’t cherish their time-------absent-minded in classes, hanging around after class Shakespeare once said:” He who abandons time till abandon him ” Only if we cherish time ,can we shine our youth.but then ,how can we cherish our time?

Finishing your task on time is the key to cherishing time, Franklin once said:”Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today ” The goal set for today must be done today Bacon also said that:” You won’t finish a task tomorrow, if you don’t finish it today  ”So, don’t expect to finish those task tomorrow, finish it today .

Second, small pieces of time should be made good use of. Ji Xianlin finished translating The Romayana by using the time between his meetings, two minutes before classes, the time before lunch ,the time after the last class , are all able to be used. By accumulating them, many things which are seemed impossible can all be done.

Finally, we have to make plans. Time is like the water in a sponge, there must be some if you squeeze it. Make plans according to your own situation, evaluate your time, and execute it sparing no effort. Time won’t float away easily.

Youth won’t come back again, and time waits for no man. As teenagers, we should cherish our time, realize our dreams, show the true value of ourselves, and be the ones who make our country prosperous and strong.

