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【国旗下演讲】 学会感恩 (2019届5班)

阅读数:2492 更新时间:2018-11-19

2019届5班  班主任:毛超








美国有个古老的节日——“感恩节”。每逢“感恩节”, 美国举国上下都在隆重庆祝。“感恩节”是美国的,但“感恩”却不分国度。自古以来,我国更是一个讲究感恩的国家,有文字记载的三千多年历史,关于感恩的故事举不胜举。



那么,作为一名中学生,我们应如何感恩呢?首先,要感恩父母,父母给了我们全部的爱。“羊有跪乳之情,鸦有反哺之义”。 作为子女我们应该理解父母,对父母有礼貌,听从父母的正确教导,不当面顶撞父母,并力所能及的家务,减轻父母负担。







Dear Teacher, Dear Students:                 

Good morning! Today,our topic is: Learn to be grateful.

There is an old American holiday, Thanksgiving Day. Every "Thanksgiving Day", the whole country of the United States is celebrating. Thanksgiving is American, but Thanksgiving is not national. Since ancient times, our country is a country that pays attention to gratitude. There are more than 3,000 years of written history. There are many stories about gratitude.

Li Mi, who had lost his parents since childhood, grew up under the care of his grandmother. In adulthood, in order to repay his grandmother, he gave up the opportunity to serve as an official and become famous. He only left a chapter praised by the ancient literati -- "Chen Love Table"; This year's 22-year-old airborne soldier Chengqiang, who was the first day after the Wenchuan earthquake, raised the surviving boy who "grew up to be an airborne soldier" in the crowd of rescue troops. Yue Fei set up the ambition of serving the country from an early age. His mother stabbed the word "loyalty to serve the country" on her back and eventually became a patriotic star with a history of history. She wrote the tragic story of "Manchu Red". Whether it is Li Mi who thanked his grandmother with filial piety, Chengqiang who thanked the society with his mission, or Yue Fei who thanked the motherland with loyalty, it is undoubtedly the most vivid interpretation of gratitude.

Nietzsche said: "Thanksgiving is the health of the soul." From this point of view, gratitude is a philosophy of life, is the great wisdom in life, is also the fulcrum of life.

So, as a middle school student, how should we be grateful? First of all, we should be grateful to our parents for all the love they have given us. "The sheep have the feeling of milk, and the Crow has the meaning of feeding." As children, we should understand our parents, be polite to them, listen to their parents 'correct teachings, do not contradict their parents, and do what we can to reduce the burden of parents.

Secondly, we should be grateful to the school and teachers. The school provides us with a good reading environment. The teacher is the leader of our growth. As students, we should abide by school discipline, respect the teacher, accept the teacher's teachings, study hard, and repay the school and the teacher with excellent results.

Finally, be thankful to the motherland, which is our root and source. As sons and daughters of China, we should be concerned about the state affairs, the heart of the motherland, full of patriotic love as a force to serve the motherland.

Students, let us with a grateful heart, learn to pay, learn to give, learn to bring happiness to the people around, learn to use a grateful heart to find happiness.

That’s all.Thank you!



