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【国旗下演讲】 拥抱春天, 播种希望(2020届1班)

阅读数:3946 更新时间:2019-04-08

【国旗下演讲】 拥抱春天, 播种希望(2020届1班)

 2020届1班  班主任:张阳花





护旗手:李浩瑄  程轶凡


    大家好!今天我们演讲的主题是《拥抱春天, 播种希望》。



英国诗人雪莱说过,“过去属于死神,未来属于你自己”。无论失败还是成功,过去都已成为历史。 而未来就像是一张空白的纸,静静地等你拿起笔。新的春天、新的学期已经开始,今年,我们可以承诺想要实现的,想要纠正的,想要弥补的。告别不足,重塑自我。设定一个目标,制定一个计划,让脚步更有方向,让梦想更值得期待。


当今社会竞争激烈,唯有强大的本领才能立足,学习便显得尤为重要。在这希望的季节里,让我们播下勤奋的种子、智慧的种子、道德的种子,做爱学习, 会学习, 乐学习的郑外人。梅花香自苦寒来,成功之花是用辛勤的汗水浇灌出来的。无论何时,我们都需要刻苦自觉的精神和顽强拼搏的勇气。需要“为有牺牲多壮志, 敢叫日月换新天” 的豪情壮志,张开双臂,拥抱春天。


道德是生活中的一种智慧, 也是一种生活资本,道德提升人的价值。只有具备良好的品格,高尚的情操,才能赢得更多的机会,获取更大的成绩。因此,我们要时时处处严格要求自己,不断地反思、完善自我, 严以律己, 规范行为。

同学们,最美的春天不在自然界,她蕴藏在人们心中。 只要心怀希望,就总能与春天相伴。又是千舟竞发百事待兴的新起点, 打开春天之门,播种新的希望,希望大家都有一份一往无前的勇气和力量。


Dear teachers and schoolmates:

Good morning!

Spring come after winter Everything changes from old to new Spring,with a smile,hope and blessing,came quietly we are full of energy to give it a big hug.And here I want to share three sentences with you.

 The first sentence:Everything starts from beginning.

  English poet shelley said:“The past belongs to death,the future belongs to yourself.” No matter success or failure,the past has already passed.And the future is like a piece of blank papen,waiting for you quietly to pick up the pen.The new spring,the new term have begun This year,we can promise what we want to achieve,correct and offset.Say goodbye to our disadvantages and rebuild ourselves.Set a new goal,make a plan,let the footsteps have direction and make the future brighter.

The second one:Study is the first obiligation.

Competition in today’s society is violent.Only strong capability,we can keep a foothold.And study becomes more important.In this hopeful season.Let’s sow the seed of diligence,intelligence and morality.Be a student of Zhengzhou Foreign language Middle School who loves studying,is able to learn and is happy to learn.plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. The flowers of success is watered with hard sweat.We need the spirit of hard work conscionsness and indomitable struggle,at any time.We also need lofty sentiments and aspiration of sacrificing for more than ambition daring to call the sun and moon for a new day.Open your arms,hug the spring.

The last sentence:Be a man before being successful.

Morality is a kind of wisdom in life,and also a kind of living capital.It can improve one’s value.We can get more chances and make greater progress only if we have good character and noble sentiments.Therefore,we should always be strict with ourselves and keep on self-examination,self-improvement.and standardize our behsvior.

Schoolmates,the most beautiful spring is not in nature,she is in people’s hearts.As long as we have hope,we can stay with spring.It’s a new seed.Hope we all have fearless aurage and strength.

That’s all.thank you!



