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【国旗下演讲】 付出与收获(2020届4班)

阅读数:3176 更新时间:2019-05-06

2020届4班  班主任:白露





护旗手:张世轩 黄峥









《庄子·逍遥游》中有这样一段话:“水之积也不厚,则其负大舟也无力;风之积也不厚,则其负大翼也无力。”  同学们,让我们用汗水磨练双脚,用智慧武装翅膀,纵然前面崇山峻岭,也须勇敢攀登,因为,在山的那边,是海,是用信念凝成的海!


 Dear teachers and classmates:

Good morning everyone! Today, the topic of our speech is: pay and gain.

The past festival tells us that labor is the most glorious! Youth needs to struggle!Classmates, these days, have you been excited by a happy report: "The most beautiful April day, the spring breeze ten priests reported. The fertile soil bred rich fruits, sweat poured the victory flowers." Our school graduating class’ achievements in the experiment and sports reach new heights!We are pleasantly surprised, excited, and envious! We are more deeply motivated and moved: every day at noon, both of the footstep of the senior schoolmates rushing to the experimental building and the hoarse voice of the physicochemical teacher wearing white coats conveyed a determination--willing to win; On the runway, the laps of hard work and the sweat of the tall and handsome sports teachers on the forehead all declared a belief - never give up!This golden news is the best reward for giving and the most rewarding deserved!

 An old saying goes, ”Spring seeds, one grain of corn, and ten thousand seeds in autumn. “ Edison also said: "There is nothing in the world that can be obtained without hard work." Instead of being jealous of others' excellence and envying others' brilliance, it is better to switch to your own actions, set goals, work hard, and do your best, maybe what you want will happen unexpectedly.

Dear friends, cherish the time. Cherishing time is a guarantee, and hard work is a cost. Pre-class we race against time, concentrate in class, when after-school we treat time as gold. We should use time like "water in the squeezed sponge", don't let precious youth "flow from the basin", "from the rice bowl", "from the front of the eyes" rushed away.

Paying requires perseverance. Ancient Greece's Demosthenes, stuttering as a child, but day after day, he worked hard and finally became a famous speaker; Chen Zhengzhi of ancient China was born with a slow response, but he worked year after year and paid an effort that ordinary people could not imagine. He finally became a scholar of knowledge.

Dear schoolmates, whether the harvest is good or bad, the fruit is big and small, the decision is in our own hands! Life is fair, paying for an action, you’ll harvest a habit; giving a habit and you’ll harvest a fate.

There is such a passage in "Zhuangzi·Happy Excursion", "The accumulation of water is not thick, but its negative boat is also weak; if the wind is not thick, its negative wing is weak.

Dear students, let us use our sweat to hone our feet and arm our wings with wisdom. Even if we are in front of continuous mountains, we must climb up bravely, because on the other side of the mountain, it is the sea, a sea that is condensed with faith!

That’s all. Thank you. 

