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【国旗下演讲】 细节决定成败(2022届3班)

阅读数:3004 更新时间:2019-10-14

【国旗下演讲】 细节决定成败(2022届3班)

 2022届 3班  班主任:孙熹熙



护旗手:段浩翔  支程程









Detailsdetermine success or failure

Good morning, my dear teachers andstudents. The topic of my speech today is: Details determine success orfailure.

Undeniably, our lives are constructed byso many details: picking up the pieces of paper falling on the ground, cleaningthe chalk dust on the blackboard, and setting up our desks and chairs ...Everything trivial comes together to create a clean and tidy learningenvironment; in the morning, when we enter the classroom, we should take outbooks and read aloud; two minutes before class, we’d better begin to preview;and during the big break after class, we can simply sort out the knowledge wehave learned ... Every little detail comes together to develop our learninghabits of being efficient and self-disciplined. Those countless moments that wehave overlooked are the highlights on our way of growth. Every detail that wepay attention to is the dazzling flower clusters on the brocade of our lives.

Maybe you have the dream like Kuan Pengspreading his wings and rising up. Maybe you have the pride of holding thedragon in your hands. But the deep and peaceful life will prove to us withcountless examples that all success comes from the persistence of details. Ifyou think that the occasional distraction in class is only a minor problem,then you have become a latecomer in the course of learning, and those who focuson learning have overtaken you in this moment; if you think that occasionaldirty words are a minor problem, then you have become a failure in personalcultivation, and those civilized and self-disciplined friends will graduallyleave you. Xunzi elaborated in his book, Advice For Learning, that "Nosteps, no miles; no streams, no rivers and seas."

My dear students, if you have a desire forsuccess in your heart, please seize every detail around you. Zhang Ruimin, thepresident of the famous company Haier once said, ‘What is being not simple? Todo every simple thing well is being not simple; and what is beingextraordinary? To do every ordinary thing well is being extraordinary.’ Let'sencourage each other with this saying.

Thisis all for our speech. Thank you for listening.

