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【国旗下演讲】 敬畏规则(2021届9 班)

阅读数:2325 更新时间:2020-05-11


【国旗下演讲】 敬畏规则(2021届9 班)

2021届9班    班主任:李书娜


中文演讲: 赵怡峯

英文演讲: 高梓烊

旗手: 高思浩

护旗手: 赵冠博 张亦弛



   敬畏,是我们对待世间万物的一种态度。敬畏规则,遵守规则,我们应该明白制订规则的意义. 庚子年冬,疫情肆虐。如今新冠肺炎得到控制,我们返回学校,在学习的同时,每个人的行为都影响着学校里其他人的健康。学校按照规定制定防疫规则,但在七八年级返校的近几天,某些同学乱象丛生的行为,再一次为我们敲响了警钟。



Respectthe rules

Respectis our attitude to everything in the world.Respect the rules,follow therules,we should understand why we make these rules.This winter,the virus spreadeverywhere. Now the virus is being controlled and we return to our school.Atthe same time we learn,our behaviors influence others’ health. Our school makesome rules to protect us.However,these days,students in Grade7and8 return toschool and all kinds of bad behaviors warn us again.So what’s the meaning offollowing these rules?First,let’s see the troubles that these rules cause. Inour school,when we go to the canteen,or the rooms,even the bathroom,we shouldfollow the regular ways.

Weshould wear mask no matter what we are doing.It’s not allowed to have fun withyour friends or play basketball.and we should obey the rules made by ourschool. Some students thought that the pandemic caused by the virus has alreadybeen in control.Some people thought it’s not a big deal and it’s not free to belimited under rules.They thought these measures go too far and are notnecessary.

But what if we aren’t under the rules? Nowadays,theasymptomatic have appeared The infected have increased up to 80000overseasevery day.

There was a mass infection in a school inSingapore.There were18 students infected in only two days.

As we can imagine,Some of them thought that it didn’tmatter to fight against the rules.But there were always other studentsinfluence by the bad behaviors. The increasing numbers means the lost preciouslives like us.

Sofar, do you really understand the meaning of respecting rules?Do you stillreckon you can take off the mask or play with your classmates without beingpermitted by the teachers?

Nowadays,our attitudes towards the rules are supposed to include both fear and respect.

Respect its strictness, respect its uses oflimiting and managing,

Fearits principle,fear its equal and determined principles. Do the things we shoulddo without being reminded,keep our freedom based on limits and rules.

You will finally realize that the rules are notonly the limits of our freedom,butalso the respect of hopeful lives of humans.


