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【国旗下演讲】 学会感恩(2022届7 班)

阅读数:2310 更新时间:2020-05-20

【国旗下演讲】 学会感恩(2022届7 班)

2022届7班    班主任:齐颖颖


中文演讲: 李佳音

英文演讲: 何佳骏

旗手: 董宸劭

护旗手: 刘骁硕  陈思宇



你听,那落叶在风中吟唱,诉说他们对大地的一片深情。 你看,那鱼儿在水中舞蹈,回报他们对河流的满心感激。你闻,那花朵在风中散播芬芳,传递他们对春天的无尽祝福。

感恩我们的父母,感恩他们给予我们生命 。父母的关心和爱护是最博大、最无私的。感恩母亲温暖的怀抱,感恩父亲宽广的胸襟。他们为我们花费了多少心血与汗水,编织了多少日日夜夜,才使我们看到这个五彩缤纷的世界。

感恩我们的同伴,在校园生活中,我们共同拼搏。 失意时的一个笑脸,一声鼓励,需要帮助时伸出的援助之手,都让我们倍感温暖。 



感恩我们的祖国,感恩祖国给了我们沉淀千年的文化,给了我们和平安定的生活 。她的历经沧桑、她的苦难深重、她的顽强拼搏,带我们到达凭借一己之力到不了的远方。        

感恩大自然,感恩大自然给我们的一切。 感恩她给我们一片树阴得以躲避炎热,感恩她给我们一眼泉水得以缓解干渴,感恩大自然对我们的包容和理解,在受到伤害时往往只是默默地承受。  你我,都需要一双感恩的手,去撷取苦难贝壳里最耀眼的珍珠。    

你我,都需要一束感恩的火炬,用人间的真情温暖寒冷的冬天。你我,都需要一双感恩的眼睛,收集躲在角落里纯净质朴的美好。 常怀感恩,感恩你的亲人、老师抑或是对手,他们给了我们精彩的人生。人生路上,让感恩与你我同行!

Listen, thefallen leaves are singing in the wind, telling their deep love for the earth. Look,the fish are dancing in the water, in return for their gratitude to theriver. 

Smell, theflowers are spreading fragrance in the wind, conveying their endless blessingto Spring.  We should be grateful to ourparents for giving us life.Parents' care is extensive and selfless. Be gratefulfor mother's warm embrace,and be grateful for father's broad mind.They spend somuch effort and sweat,  so many days andnights, so that we can see this colorful world. We shoulf be grateful to ourcompanion for fihghting together in shool life. A smiling face and anencouraging voice when we get frustrated,and a helping hand when we are introuble all make us feel warm. 

We should be grateful to our teachers. During the epidemic,they don'tshrink back, but face up to the difficulties, guarding us and teaching us.Their effort and dedication become the most warm force. We should be gratefulto the medical workers for their strength and dedication,  for driving away thecold winter and bringing the warmth of spring.

We should begrateful to our motherland for her long history and creating a peacefulenvironment for us. Her vicissitudes, her sufferings, and her struggle havetaken us to a distance where we cannot reach on our own. 

We should be grateful to all the things given by nature.

Thank her for giving us a shade to avoid heat, for giving us water torelieve thirst, and for her tolerance and understanding.When she gets hurt,sheoften bears silently

We need a pair of hands, to pick up the brightest pearls in the shell ofmisery  ,We need atorch of gratitude,to warm the cold winter with the true love.  We need a pair of eyes, to collect the simplebeauty hiding in the corner.  We shouldalways be grateful to our relatives, teachers or even opponents. They help usbuild  a wonderful life.Let gratitudekeep us company  during our lifetime!

