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【国旗下演讲】 学雷锋,树校园新风(2023届7班)

阅读数:2433 更新时间:2021-03-10

【国旗下演讲】 学雷锋,树校园新风(2023届7班)









Dear teachers and students:

Good morning!Today our topic is: Learn from Lei Feng,create a new style in our school.

In this March with warm wind and spring sunshine, we enjoy the nice charity of nature, but we haven’t forgotten the value of this month, It is to commemorate a soldier. An ordinary soldier who has a great influence on us; A dedicated soldier who serves the people, and even sacrifices his own interests, but never seeks reward; A soldier whose spirit is always in our hearts, who has always inspired us to advance bravely: His name is Lei Feng.

In this warm and sunny March, we enjoy the beautiful gifts of nature, but we have not forgotten the unique value of this month, that is, we want to commemorate a soldier, an ordinary soldier who has brought us great influence; a soldier who is dedicated to serving the people, even sacrificing his own interests, but does not want to return; a soldier who is dedicated to serving the people, even sacrificing his own interests; A soldier whose spirit is always in our hearts and always inspires us to march forward bravely: he is Lei Feng.

Lei Feng's spirit is great, but it’s not unattainable. A great number of people inspired by his spirit, have made extraordinary contributions in ordinary life. Principal Zhang Guimei, who took root in the mountains of southwest China, has lit up the university dream of rural girls with her hard work for decades, which is Lei Feng spirit. During the epidemic, countless fathers, mothers, sons and daughters of the family, dressed in white, became brave soldiers to guard the lives of Chinese people, which is also Lei Feng spirit. "When disaster struck, help came from all sides" is the spirit of Lei Feng. "Based on the post, serving the society" is Lei Feng spirit. It is also Lei Feng spirit to unite the students and love the class!

Learning and practicing the spirit of Lei Feng does not require the feat of shocking and crying ghosts, but only needs to start from the ordinary things around us. Bend over to pick up the garbage on the ground, help the hard-working teacher clean the office, give the students who are frustrated in the exam a word of encouragement and give strangers a brilliant smile. Do these little things well, you are Lei Feng in the new era. When everyone can do these seemingly insignificant things well, Lei Feng spirit will become popular on campus!

If you were a drop of water, have you moistened an inch of land? If you were a ray of sunshine, have you lighted up a flood of darkness? If you were a grain, have you fed life? If you were a small screw, have you always sticked to your post? I sincerely hope that all of us will take this statement as our goal! Let Lei Feng spirit be your guide of your life!

That’s all. Thank you!

