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【国旗下演讲】 自律的人生更精彩

阅读数:3004 更新时间:2017-11-08

2019届7班  班主任:鲁玉果




















The self-discipline life is more exciting

Dear teachers and students, good morning. Today, our topic is

The self-discipline life is more exciting.Once I saw a sentence: The more self-discipline you are, the happier you will be.

When I was awe were child, we all learned the story of cat fishing. If you can't focus on one thing, you will never have a happy ending, but many of us just can’t do it.

You can choose to live whatever you want, such as dropping everywhere, and getting up late everyday.every day. But the result is getting poor grades and feeling confused.

However,You you can also choose to have a regular life, such as getting up early, doing more exercising, studying hard according to your plans. Knowing clearly what you should or should ’t do.

You will keep rethinking your shortcomings, and seeking changes. You will try to experience new things. Treat your life as well as yourself reasoningly.

Self-discipline leads to good life, it may be late, but never absent.

So how do you improve the sense of self-discipline?

1.Set a goal, and write down the reasons.

Don't put it off. Think about it from now on. Set a goal proper according to your actual situation and needs, and write it down to remind yourself of the gap between the reality and your goals.

2.List the time table of study and life.

It doesn't matter how good your memory is, it's better to write it down and then finish it step by step. Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.

3.Turn off your electronic products.

Turn off your cell phones when you are learning, because most of the chat and news are not emergency. You can check them out later.

In fact, if you can do it ninety percent, you will be an excellent student. Being self-disciplined should be one of your habits and attitudes.

You'll find that you don't need to be a genius to be great. You won’t feel worried, because you can control your life, and you can get closer to your goal day by day.

That’s all, thank you.




