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【国旗下演讲】 关注消防 平安你我

阅读数:2940 更新时间:2017-11-15














Let’s focus on fire safety to make sure our safety

Distinguished teachers and classmates:

 Good morning!Today our topic is Let’s focus on fire safety to make sure our safety.

Life is like colorful flowers which carry our splendid dreams. Life is like birds which look forward to flying in the sky. Life is only once for everyone. We must realizes that safety should come first if we cherish our life. On the fire safety day, we must remember the knowledge about fire safety in heart. Let’s focus on fire safety to make sure our safety

Firstly, we should know how to prevent the fire.

In the campus, don’t burn the hay or fallen leaves. And the rubbish should be disposed in time. In our classroom and laboratory, we must operate the electrical equipment properly. In our dormitory, we are not supposed to bring explosive dangerous goods including mobile phones and charges. Follow the rules strictly.

At home, do not play with matches or lighters. Put the explosive goods away from our candles and ovens. Don’t leave the kitchen while cooking or boiling water. Examine the fuel gas regularly. Use the electric equipment properly. For example, do not use mobile phones while charging.

Try not go to the crowded places in public. Remember to get familiar with the fire escape first when you are in a strange place.

Life is a show without rehearsal. We should know how to escape if a fire occurs. Get familiar with the environment, run away as quickly as possible. Do downstairs on the right without pushing and squeezing. Cover your nose and mouse with a wet towel to prevent from breathing the gas. Do not get into an elevator to prevent getting trapped. Put out the fire on you by rolling on the ground. If you are trapped by the fire, call for help to escape.

Life is a spectacular river. Let’s step on the journey while focusing on fire safety. Let’s build a safety wall to protect our life! That’s all, Thank you!  
