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【国旗下演讲】 春天里,让我们以诗为伴

阅读数:2732 更新时间:2018-03-06

2020届2班  班主任:宁立文


大家好!今天我们演讲的主题是:春天里,让我们以诗为伴。 明媚的阳光将大地渲染得五彩缤纷,北归的燕子衔来了充满激情与诗意的春天。这不,你瞧——







Bright sunshine makes the world colorful. The swallows come back showing us the poetic spring with its own passion. Look, there it is

In spring, everything becomes vigorous, sparkling with vitality. It is just like a girl. It gentlely touched the grass, the sky, the field, and our campus. Each place she touched turned into a beautiful poem. The sprout shout itself as if it was a naughty boy, who is trying his best to grow up. Those green leaves shine so that to make us know the words from the poet He Zhizhang:

jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash.

The golden flowers sway like the ocean, which surges with its beauty of power. The warm sunshine pours its light onto the flowers. Some children are chasing the butterflies. Oh, that reminds us:

The running children are chasing the butterflies, who disappear into the followers.

On the grassland, all kinds of flowers mix together, making you even dazzled, which no better words can express the feeling except that we call it the sea of grass or flowers. Look at those bright colors, and please smell the fragrance, the refreshing air will surely make you feel relaxed. Now, the words are like this:

the beautiful sunshine comes together with the soft wind,

those beautiful colors are surely the essence of spring.

In the sky, the little birds bring us the messages of spring. They extend their beautiful swings and tails in the wind or the sunshine. Feeling tired, they stop by the road lines, as if they were singing to the beat of the natural music notation. Yes, they are playing the music of spring! Children run in the field. Kites fly in the sky. What a beautiful picture. What an attractive poem.

Spring of nature is coming, so it is with our life. In our campus, we put on our light clothes, and each of us is with sweet smile. The clear voice of your reading together with your laughter is heard by those birds, and you are so attractive that the wind stops its footsteps, making the light of youth spreading around each corner of the world. My dear friends, we shall work hard and spare no efforts to fight for our future, to follow our dreams. We shall live a poetic and charming life, although someone else may regard it as dull and useless.

