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【国旗下演讲】 树立理想 追求卓越(2021届7班)

阅读数:3828 更新时间:2019-05-27

2021届7班  班主任:都潇潇







护旗手:  刘丰恺 马晨铭


今天我们演讲的题目是《树立理想 追求卓越》。著名思想家苏格拉底曾说过:世界上最快乐的事情,莫过于为理想而奋斗。因此一个人要想成为一个卓越的人,首先应该树立远大的理想。



对此,我想谈谈自己的一些认识,希望能对同学们有所帮助。一、稳住心态。有的同学已经对假期望眼欲穿。我们必须明白,目前最主要的任务是,备战考试,用一个优异的成绩来迎接愉快的假期。二、抓住时间。复习没有时间的保证,是不可能完成的。因此,我们要抓住一切可以利用的时间,去查漏补缺,完善自己。三、提高效率。考前复习,时间短,任务重。只有高效投入,才能事半功倍。这就需要我们明确目标,制订计划,严格执行,落实到位。总而言之,正如著名的女科学家居里夫人所说,“生活对于我们每一个人来说都不容易,我们必须工作。首先,我们必须自信,必须相信天生我材必有用,并且当我们知道我们的目标是什么时,要全力以赴直到成功!” 让我们从现在开始,成为一个有理想的人,一个为了理想而不断追求卓越的人!



Beloved teachers, dear students:

Good morning, everyone!

The topic of our speech today is "Building the Ideal and Striving for Excellence".Socrates, a famous thinker, once said that the happiest thing in the world is to fight for ideals.Therefore, in order to become an excellent man, they should set up a lofty ideal at first.

Premier Zhou Enlai set up the goal of "Reading for the rise of China" as a child, it is with this lofty ideal, he became the first Prime Minister of the Republic, a good prime minister everywhere for the sake of the people, for the development of the motherland!

Ideal is very important,but it is more important to be able to act on the ground.Every business has its own strategy. Huawei's strategy is to “ focus on pipelines”. “Focus on the pipeline” is :insisting on doing one thing at best, playing at your best.All businesses are integrated and developed along the pipeline.

No matter how the United States sanctions against China, Huawei has its own core technology, there is no need for American chips.They have already conceived the problem and have been ready for a protracted battle.Focus on the pipeline, unswerving, doing this small step in order to have a stronger strength to cross a big step! In this regard, I would like to talk about some of my own understandings, I hope to be helpful.

First of all, keep in good mood,the final exam are coming. Some students have already looked forward to the holiday.We must understand that the main task at present is to prepare for the exam and meet a pleasant holiday with an excellent result.Secondly, seize and save the time. It is impossible to review without the assurance of time.

Therefore, we have to save and seize all the time we can use to check the gaps, improve ourselves.Thirdly, improve efficiency

Having heavy task. But we need review carefully before the exam,in the short time. Only by investing efficiently can we do more with less.This requires us to set clear goals, make plans, strictly implement them, and put them in place.All in all. As the famous woman scientist, Madam Curie said, “Life is not easy for any of us. We must work!”First of all,we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each of us is able to do sth well and that when we know what this sth is,we must work hard at it till we succeed!”Let us start from now on, to become an ideal person, a for the ideal and constant pursuit of excellence!

This is the end of our speech,thanks.

