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【国旗下演讲】 慎独

阅读数:2855 更新时间:2017-05-03

2018届5班  班主任:祝慧芳



    慎独是最高层次的律己。后汉东莱太守杨震到东莱郡上任时,路过昌邑县,原先他所推荐的秀才王密,这时做了昌邑县的县令,王密夜里怀中揣着十斤金子偷偷拜见,来赠送给杨震。王密说:“夜里不会有人知道这事。” 杨震说:“天知,地知,你知,我知,怎么能说没人知道呢?”王密惭愧地走了。 杨震被后人称为“四知太守”,正是这种自知,令杨震拒绝这种不义之财,何谓无人知?可见其一颗坚定不可摧的正义之心,可见其一种强烈不可摧的自律意识。
     君子慎独,慎于行为,独于自觉。 “慎独”对于我们来说不是高高在上,遥不可及的境界,不过是自主自律,自觉自省。不管有没有人在场都不能让任何微小邪恶的念头萌生,这样才能使自己的精神品质日臻完善。






The word "self-supervision" beginning in the rites doctrine: "the gentleman in the alone also." Mean, concealed in the words and deeds

Can see that a person's thoughts, in the most subtle things can show a person's quality.

Self-supervision is the highest level of self-restraint. Ji (a surname satrap Yang Zhen to a surname county, pass by nearbu county, originally he recommended by the scholar wang, then did the nearbu county magistrate, wang's bosom chuai wear ten catties of gold secretly visit at night, to give to Yang Zhen. Wang said: "the night, no one know about this." Yang Zhen said: "heaven knows, earth knows, you know, I know, no one knows how can you say?" Wang ashamed to go. Yang Zhen later generations called "internal satrap", it is this self-knowledge, to reject the treasures of the Yang Zhen what is unknown? Visible one is firmly entrenched in the sense of justice, is one kind of self-discipline consciousness strongly entrenched.

People, the biggest enemy is yourself.

As a middle school student, we self-supervision introspection is the self-discipline, improve themselves. No teacher urged can you finish your homework on time? Not frequent exams can you three provinces in my body and not waste their studies? No school to examine the grooming and behavior habit, whether you can consciously develop good behavior habits. If all of you but to camouflage playacting, then the pay is not worth mentioning, after all is self-deception.

Gentleman's self-supervision, slow to act, to consciously. "Self-supervision" for us is not high on, unreachable realm, but is a independent discipline, self-conscious introspection. With or without. You can't let any small pre sent evil thought initiation and perfected so that their mental quality.


主持人:柴浩烨    中文演讲:李奕琳  英文演讲:孙潞

旗手:赵轩浩    护旗手:贾炜梁    护旗手:  宋文迪  







