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【国旗下演讲】 树立理想,追求卓越

阅读数:2857 更新时间:2017-05-16

2018届6班  班主任:刘合









    Good morning everyone, today our topic is “The build-up of ideals and pursuit of excellence”.

   What is an ideal? Tolstoy said “Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction ; without direction, there is no life.” Dreiser said ideal is the sun of life.

   As students, we should also build up our ideals practically and pursue excellence constantly. For each day, try our best to run a second faster, to solve a difficult problem more efficiently and to recite a bit more words. We will benefit from the achievement of these small daily goals and pursue excellence.

    You may ask why we must be excellent? Well, this is because we are the youth, and we are the hope of our country. Although an individual excellence may not make a difference, the excellence of 1300 billion people will definitely make China stand out in the world. Therefore, let’s start small, finding 20 minutes for reading or reviewing what we’ve learned at bedtime. Do believe you will make a difference.

Without the motivation of streaking through the clouds to chase after the sun, how can a petrel survive on the sea? Without the faith of growing out of the ground, how can a sapling turn into a towering tree? In the journey of life, only by working hard can we overcome the difficulty and see the beauty of excellence. Dear fellows, let’s get started now. Set up better goals for ourselves to build up our ideals and pursue excellence!

   Thank you for your listening.


